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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Operators are standing by

Was Woodsdale truly this youthful wonderland that we so fondly reminisced about 50 years later at the July reunion? 'The experts' say that, arguably, our minds are mapped by age 5 molded by the family, peer and socio-economic neighborhood environment we were impressioned by in our youth.

To clarify... 'the experts' are an esteemed blue-ribbon panel chosen by Woodsdale's own 'Out the Pike Gang' (OTPG) who graciously took time away from their important work to attend the reunion, take data, drink beer, elicit poignant sound bites on Dan Criswell's video and were a lot of fun to be with. The fact that they chose Lady Gaga, Carrot Top, Eddie Haskell and Guido 'three fingers' Batchotori to chair this panel should in no way demean the important findings of the Woodsdale study spelled out in their final report.

By the way, after you contact Dan or Kathleen to receive for a scant $10 his cool reunion video which may or may not include some of the OTPG's poignant sound bites, you will at no extra charge receive a leather bou wait...a genuine remember that cheap table cloth like drawer liner stuff our parents used to wrap our books in? That's the “Woodsdale Report” binding.

But wait there's more. Act in the next 30 minutes and we'll also include a three disk set of Mr. Hile singing such immortals as 'Dill Pickles', 'Our Whistling Servant Girl', 'Danke Schoen', 'Tiny Bubbles' and my personal favorite 'Yes, We Have No Bananas'...the third disk includes the same songs but sung in falsetto shortly after Mr Hile's 'accident'.

Lee Frizzell and I are pouring over the Woodsdale Report and as arduous a task as it is, we will some how break it down into a very enjoyable read to be posted for all very soon.

John Hershey

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