It's so hot in Wheeling today...reminds me of taking the bus to the pool for 5 cents,spending the whole day, and if you had returned enough bottles and were feeling rich, you could splurge on a hotdog that would last you all day hungerwise.
I'll bet you have some amazing memories of the pool as well. I miss the diving boards..Coach Pugh from Linsly taught me how to do some pretty awesome diving.
How about sharing YOUR memories of the pool with everyone? We have so many good writers out there who seem so reluctant to write...I can't understand it. Come on, folks....give us your best memories.
And don't forget the picnic is this month (25th) at the Trophy Room above the swimming pool at Wheeling Park from 2 to whenever. Finally we are going to have the pleasure of the company of Charlie Swart, Mike Quinn, and Patti Quinn Greeneltch...and of course Ned! So come join us for some laughs. See ya there!
I recall the first time I jumped off the high-dive. I recall thinking, "Don't lean back!" as I almost lost my grip while climbing the high-dive ladder which clearly was a lot farther down than it was up. I must have been fairly young because I remember the rungs on that ladder being farther apart than expected; not nearly as easy as walking up steps. The board was wide enough to not make it scary but I did take note as to where the pool was in relation to the hand rail (an okay place to fall off vs. where I would spatter on the concrete). I tested the spring of the board ever so slightly and decided that was too much for me to accomplish on the first try. Then there was the jump... first there was the sensation of going faster and faster then wham! that water hit harder than expected. I don't know how deep I went, it must not have been very deep because I was on the surface before I expected to be. About a minute later I was standing on the side of the pool looking up at the high-dive thinking, "I conquered the high-dive! Don't do that again." Of course the second and third jumps were easier.
ReplyDeleteI was in a diving competion and was doing a dive off the low board when the corner of the board caught the back of my bathing suit and ripped it off....couldn't get out of the water til someone threw in a towel...and it hurt too!!!!