Time: Valentine's Day, 1956
Place: Miss Holderman's Fourth Grade Class
Underneath the front blackboard were aligned all the gorgeous, creative "mail boxes" we had prepared in anticipation of an onslaught of valentines. Red construction paper, white lace doilies, cupids, hearts...the works. This ritual included a trip to Murphy's five and ten to get the valentines, a night of signing them, and then on the big day....put them in the various envelopes. Silly slogans, cartoon animals wishing each and every member of the class a Happy Valentine's Day. On Miss Holderman's recommendation we were NOT to leave anyone out..a card was required for EVERYONE, BUT if there was someone REALLY special in the class you could get away with a BIG, HONEST-TO-GOODNESS card. At the end of the day, it was time to open your "mail box" and see if anyone was ready to declare undying-fourth-grade love. I don't remember ever getting my heart broken on the day, but again, we must have been too young even for first crushes, as those sincere Valentines seemed to elude everyone!
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