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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Snow Days!

    I've been taking an informal survey among people who grew up in Wheeling and went to school here to see whether I could find anyone who remembered even one day when school was cancelled due to snow. So far no luck.
   On the most frigid days, when the air hurt your lungs when inhaled, we stood at the bus stop with woolen "leggins" under our skirts on our way to high school. Of course, they were stashed in our lockers as soon as we got there.
  I do remember one day when we were sent home early from school because a big snowstorm was predicted and it was pretty certain that those kids who lived way out in the countryside would not be able to get home if we did not leave early.
   Even THE BIG SNOW of 1950 occurred conveniently over Thanksgiving weekend and we missed no school.
   In my survey-taking, I met a man from Erie, PA. He said the rules there were that it had to be -75 deg and four feet of snow before school was canceled, I believe him.