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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Woodsdale Kids All Grown Up!

Having just immersed myself in three days of the Class of '64 Triadelphia reunion, I'm thrilled to report that I had a great time and it was well a great committee. I was also delighted that so many people knew about and read this blogsite.  I begged and pleaded for people to write up their memories, and am keeping my fingers crossed that they do.

I was very reluctant to go to this reunion as the last one I attended (at the Alpha '94) I hated not being able to recognize people and there were so many that even when they told me their names, I still had no clue who they were. But this time it was different. Sally Hess organized a small group to get together at their cabin at Oglebay, and I spent a pleasant evening getting caught up with people that are MUCH more interesting than they were in high school. I didn't recognize my old Woodsdale friend Sherry Rosen at first, but eventually we talked and talked.

What I found most fascinating was not past memories, but how these people had led such productive, successful, lives. By the last night at Stratford Springs, the love and friendship in the room was almost palpable. I held hands with Lois Klabano and was not embarrased to do so as we poured our hearts out to each other. Kathy Minor was also another who made me feel like not a day had passed since we rode bikes, sat on her bed and talked, and generally had fun together.

There were many there who I did not know well in high school, didn't recognize their names even from the tiny name tags whose small print made one practically put her nose on their chest to be able to read their name. I apologize if I didn't get to talk to you personally, I did my best.

One of the perks I really liked was finding that people I adored in school and people I did not really know well, were living in Wheeling and I could see them whenever I wanted! Jean Fleming fits that category and Jim Byrum.

The In Memoriam part of the program brought tears to my eyes. So many good people gone forever.And then there were those who have become recluses ....Ed Bachman and others who just did not come....Cheryl Recht. that would have added so much to this gathering.

I am going to hold on tight to those I reconnected with and will cherish the memories of those three golden days.