1. What was the name of the red-headed man who walked up Wheeling Creek each morning from Benwood to find golf balls at Oglebay and Wheeling Country Club.
Answer: Haney Scary scary man. He felt the woods around Oglebay and Wheeling Country Club were his and would chase you out of there.
2. What do Larry Dezio, Chris Smith and Rick Asmus have in common?
Answer: They black spray-painted “MOOSE” on the Linsly Aviator statue. A judge sentenced them to a weekend at, I believe named, Rooney's Point located out past Triadelphia...a halfway house before heading to Pruntytown. 'Moose' was Linsly's Latin teacher Miss Metzner's nickname.
3. Who was Alma Henderson?
Answer: An old cantankerous whore house madam in Benwood that we used to call and heckle
4. In the early 60's, what was the name of the hamburger place on the corner of National Road and Edgington Lane?
Answer: Purple Cow...hamburgers were 15 cents. Bruce and Tim Bandi, Joe Steger, I and others hung out in the back room. The pinball machine paid off.
5. What was 'Big Bill' Lias real last name?
Answer: George Liaskakos Here's everything you need to know about Big Bill:
6. In the book, “Captain's Courageous” (1897) what about Wheeling was mentioned?
Answer: Wheeling Stogies...some reference by a character that if he could survive smoking a Wheeling Stogie he could survive anything
7. What was Linsly School called in 1814?
Answer: Linsly Lancastrian Academy founded by Noah Linsly. Interesting bio link:
8. Who was the first coach of the Wheeling Nailers?
Answer: Walrus-mustachioed Doug Sauter. He moved with the Carolina Thunderbirds to Wheeling in 1992. The name was changed to Nailers due to a dispute with a west coast hockey team also nicknamed 'thunderbirds'
9, What was the nickname for Pogues Run Road?
Answer: Nun's Run
10. What football honor was bestowed on Chuck Howley that no other NFL player has received?
Answer: Chuck Howley from Warwood was named Super Bowl MVP for Super
Bowl V, the first time that a defensive player
received the honor and the first time a player
from the losing team won the award.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Little Kids Table

How many of you had a "little kids table"? Such a table was necessary when the number of children exceeded the number of seats at the main dining table. Of course, high chairs were still allowed at the "big" table out of necessity, but if you could feed yourself, you were assigned to the little kids table.
At the Quinnery there was a constantly revolving number of kids joining or leaving the little kids table...which was a high honor. As the older ones went off to college or elsewhere there was less and less need for the table and eventually it was just a memory.
I loved being at the main table and able to listen in on all of the talk. My father was a Republican and my mother a Democrat so political talk would have been lively...if there had been any..but my mother didn't proffer her opinions. Most of the talk was about school or weekend plans, books, hobbies, etc.
The most important thing one learned at either table was that manners were not just important, they demonstrated who you were. Too bad fewer families feel that way today using conflicting schedules as an excuse for not sitting down together.
Graduating to the big table was as important in our family as an actual school promotion!
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